Digitalization helps in managing the complex web of energy production and consumption


In this podcast, Emir Nurov , Co-founder of Resync, explains how digitalization technologies helps three types of customers.

First, they can help building owners take control of both the energy consumed and energy produced (given that many buildings are now also producing energy). The Resync system helps building managers both by alerting them to important decisions that need to be taken and automating routine decisions.

Second, they can help renewable energy power producers and the companies that set up, operate, and maintain the renewable energy plants to choose and maintain equipment. In addition to helping large renewable energy producers, the technology can also help smaller companies where the electricity grid is just one source of power and is backed up by both diesel and solar. Resync can help in seamlessly switching from one source to another.

Third, they can help residential consumers and the distribution utilities that serve them to help manage the electricity consumed at their own homes without going through the expense and effort of inserting sensors at each consuming point. Using machine learning technologies, Resync has learnt to spot patterns of appliance use and provide suggestions on when and how they should be used.

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