The inside story behind the dramatic drop in renewable energy prices is often quite mundane. In this podcast, we discuss how nitty gritty technical and commercial details led to the rapid decline of offshore wind prices in the UK. The story is really that of a trusted organization bringing together industry players to collaboratively explore solutions to common problems. The Carbon Trust is now expanding the approach to floating wind and expanding the integration of wind energy to existing infrastructure. In promoting innovation in energy access it is trying some of these same tools on the energy access situation in Africa. Here it is using challenge funds to support a broad range of initiatives, collaborative approaches and an educational programme on energy access.
Section 1: First 5 minutes about The Carbon Trust, the organisation
Section 2: Till 22 minutes about The Carbon Trust’s work in energy access
Section 3: Last 21 minutes about The Carbon Trust’s work in offshore wind
Name Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
New Ventures Website www.regainparadise.com
Guest Name Angus Vantoch-Wood, Senior Manger, Carbon Trust
Guests Website and contact details. https://www.carbontrust.com/ https://www.preo.org/