Partnering to solve the climate crisis


Human wildlife conflict has social causes and is being exacerbated by climate change. Solving it requires an integrated approach. Technology is key but you cannot air drop it in these frontiers of climate change. To make real impact organisations of different types must come together and their funders will have to support these partnerships. Listen to this fascinating podcast to know how software technology is being tested among the Masai tribes in a partnership between two very different organisations and understand how these unusual partnerships can be nurtured to meet the twin crises in biodiversity and climate crises.

Sections Section 1: First 20 minutes about the nature of the problem that is being tackled.

Section 2: Next 15 minutes on the solution.

Section 3: Last 11 minutes on how these projects can be supported

Host Name : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise

New Ventures Website

Guest Name : 1. Dr. Irene Amoke

Executive Director, Kenya Wildlife Trust

2. James Alden

Founder, Climate Edge

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