Breaking the cycle of subsistence farming.


A very small part of arable land in Africa is irrigated and with climate change already happening, there is neither time nor money to build grand irrigation projects. What can be done, however, is to collect rainwater, which now comes in sudden heavy downpours, using age-old techniques. Add on solutions that measure soil moisture, predict weather and connect farmers to market and you can transform agriculture in Africa. Requires a commitment to support local organisations and foster partnerships for the next thirty years.

Listen to this podcast with Anton Earle of the Stockholm International Water Institute which is implementing a rain fed agriculture project in the Zambezi river basin.

Sections Section 1: First 15 minutes about the climate change impacts in the Zambezi river basin

Section 2: Last 30 minutes about how only rainwater can be used to transform agriculture if the correct conditions exist

Host : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise

New Ventures Website

Guest : Anton Earle

Director of African Regional Centre at SIWI

Listen on: