The World Fair Trade Organisation certifies small and medium enterprises which practice fair trade principles. Chief among them is that 50% of their profits are contributed towards a cause. The objective of WFTO is to prove that innovation and entrepreneurship is consistent with stakeholder capitalism. Innovation – the process of increasing productivity – is not just restricted to a shareholder capitalist system. WFTO members include food processing enterprises both in the Global North and Global South.
Leida Rijnhout, based in the Netherlands, is the Chief Executive of the World Fair Trade Organisation. She has extensive experience in Netherlands and in the world of non-profits before finding her entrepreneurial calling at WFTO.
Section 1: First 25 minutes about WFTO certification
Section 2: Next 25 minutes about WFTO enterprises in practice
Host : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
Guest : Leida Rijnhout Chief Executive
World Fair Trade Organisation