Green hydrogen is necessary to decarbonise industry. It is possible to make green hydrogen from electrolysis process from renewable energy but the UK government has given out grants to test various ways of making green hydrogen from biomass. A few of them will go to the demonstration stage in the next few years. Post demonstration they can go to commercial stage. Depending on which technology makes its way down this path, green hydrogen can be produced much more cheaply and help both the agriculture and industrial sectors in the UK. Phoebus Power is experimenting with ways to use waste biomass and make green hydrogen. The ability to experiment with innovative approaches is what makes UK’s green hydrogen policy ambitious.
Section 1: First 11 minutes about the various ways of producing green hydrogen and how the UK government is trying to explore the use of biomass.
Section 2: Till 38 minutes about what exactly Phoebus Power is trying to do with the grant and what could happen if they are successful.
Section 3: Last 9 minutes about other clean energy businesses Ravinder is involved in.
Host : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
New Ventures Website www.regainparadise.com
Guest : Ravinder Shan, CEO Phoebus Power
Guests Website and contact details. https://www.phoebuspower.com/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/rshan/