Financial institutions have to take into both short term and long term horizons in assessing climate risks. This is not easy for banks in the emerging world. It requires expertise, access to data and new management processes.
In this podcast, Rutang and myself explain the types of climate risks and we demystify climate risk scenarios which help financial institutions straddle these time horizons. Then we apply the concepts to banks in four emerging countries.
Dr. Rutang Thanawalla is a risk assessment expert for financial institutions with experience across global commercial banks, credit rating agencies and consultancies. He now focuses on climate risks and
sustainability finance.
Section 1: First 10 minutes introductions and climate risks.
Section 2: Next 13 minutes about climate risk scenarios.
Section 3: Next 22 minutes about applying the concepts.
Host : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
Guest : Rutang Thanawalla, Risk Management:
Strategy Adviser on Climate Risk Assessment