Can the tools that we have – science, technology and business – address the issues that we face from climate change? After all, these are the very things that has brought us to this problem. So it is right to be skeptical. But then in the limited time these tools are all that we have. It is not practical to think that we will build everything afresh . This difficult problem can be solved if we use the same tools with a different mindset. This is why the philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 may need to be resurrected.
Section 1: First 13 minutes introducing Rabindranath Tagore.
Section 2: Next 24 minutes about his philosophy and why it is important in this time.
Host : Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
New Ventures Website www.regainparadise.com
Guest Name : Dr. Bashabi Fraser, Professor Emerita of English & Creative Writing
Director, Scottish Centre of Tagore Studies (ScoTs)
Edinburgh Napier University
Guests Website and contact details. https://scotstagore.org/bashabifraserwriter@gmail.com