With climate change El Nino droughts will become more frequent and more intense. To be fore warned is to be fore armed. Warnings will have to be taken seriously and farmers should not plant their seeds hoping that rains will come only to face a total crop failure. Kvuno, a social enterprise spun out of Solidaridad, the international NGO, is developing a digital database of farmers in Southern Africa. This digital platform can be used to provide inform and help farmers learn how to adapt to the changing weather patterns. It can also be used to provide farm inputs and finance products such as loans and insurance. Both non-profits and commercial organisations can reach small holder farmers using the digital platform.
Section 1: First 20 minutes introductions and the drought in Southern Africa.
Section 2: Next 20 minutes about what Kvuno does and how it will help.
Host: Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
Guest : Joshua Chela, Business Development Lead