Description: Suppose millions of people come together to fund innovations that have the highest impact on solving the climate crisis. The areas they target are the priority areas science is telling us to focus on, not just the VC flavour of the year. The innovations they support are examined by intelligent common people as well as by experts. The innovators license out the technology so that solutions scale rapidly. That is what Time for Planet is trying to build and making progress on.
Section 1: First 22 minutes about how Time for Planet is reinventing investing
Section 2: Next 23 minutes about what climate innovations Time for Planet is supporting and how.
Section 3: The impact Time for Planet can create.
Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
Website : www.regainparadise.com
Guest Name : Cecile Duranton, Managing Director, Time for Planet
Guests Website and contact details : https://join-time.com/en