Wasted food leads to a greenhouse gas emissions. Not only is food waste causing global warming but climate change will lead to greater food waste. Extreme events will damage crops. Unseasonal flowering will lead to short term surpluses. Food is wasted because as consumers we have some unsustainable habits and because retailers are seeking efficiency. Oddbox provides growers an option to sell the fruits and vegetables rejected by retailers and compensates them for cost of growing.
Section 1: First 17 minutes about “what” is Oddbox doing
Section 2: Next 18 minutes about “why” food is wasted and “how” Oddbox’s solution is creating impact
Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder Regain Paradise
New Ventures Website www.regainparadise.com
Guest Emilie Vanpoperinghe, Founder Oddbox
Guests Website and contact details. https://www.oddbox.co.uk/