Arnab Sengupta has worked with about six agricultural commodities and knows a lot about tuna. Tuna is consumed fresh and in canned forms. It is caught in the deep sea near some of the small island developing states and then processed in Thailand or Ecuador. The processing industry employs a lot of people because the fish has to be cleaned perfectly in a way that has not been mechanised. The industry, by working with non profits, scientists and governments, has addressed many of the concerns with regard to over-fishing. Climate change is, however, making its presence felt. It is too early to predict the future (and indeed if one could do so commodity traders would make a killing) but one thing is probably certain: species will migrate both away from where they are caught now and also deeper into the ocean. This will increase fishing costs and reduce revenue for the countries that sell fishing rights.
Section 1: First 18 minutes about Arnab and the tuna industry.
Section 2: Next 25 minutes about climate change and overfishing concerns and how the industry is responding
Host: Sanjoy Sanyal, Founder, Regain Paradise New Ventures Website www.regainparadise.org
Guest: Arnab Sengupta